Monday, February 14, 2005

~A La Liqueur~

A La Liqueur
Bundle of assorted wine
Eat or drink them
With love, anything seems fine

Indulge in wine, my love
For wine makes you forget
This practical and merciless world
It frees you of burdens
And enables you to follow your heart

Indulge in wine, my darling
For it is imaginatively powerful
So strong it hurts the mind
Two drastically different people
Wanting to be together will then work out?

A long night's worth
Is but a long night's worth
But to what extend it's worth
Would be determined by the reader's love

An effort made
Is but an effort made
But to what lengths it's made
The reader is left to grade

A La Liqueur
Bottles of assorted wine
Drink, sip, gulp or gargle
With love, everything seems fine

Indulge in wine, my lady
For wine warms your body
And calms your tensing nerves
It relaxes your mind, body and soul
Rejuvenates your being up many-a-fold


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