Her appearance glares with radiance
Goth-painted trends spot human limp-ends
An image that invokes grave consequences
Strong-headed upon her views though demure
She emits a presence of sovereignty
Though as quiet as a meek, of royalty she reeks
Flawed porcelain face with cracks and leaks
On Claire he sets his eyes upon
Like the Gorgons on helpless peasants
Though she was not petrified
Another deep evil’s on the pry
Hypnotised, though not ostracised
By the senses of her mind
She could witness her own ritual
Of sodomy and fornication under duress
Of wretched Eve and withered leaves
An intention of angst and peeve
He robbed her of her chastity and pride
And everything that’s left inside
She was left to putrefy amongst unholy grounds
With nothing left less a breath’s worth of mortality
Claire slowly emaciated into the vaults
Diminishing into nothingness
Only her cadaver remains…
