Don in red, the man sits alone in silence & despair
On his tilted chair of woes, none other seat can compare
Of annihilation & misanthropy, he knows best
Driven by desperation, he staged the cataclysm & wiped out the rest...
Feeling depressed, angry, lost or out of love? Listed below are 10 metals songs of pure novelty and utmost expressions of our most commonly felt emotions, namely sadness, anger, hate, and dejection from love. Enjoy...
01. Arch Enemy – Skeleton Dance
An introduction of a single wailing guitar lead paints a scenario outback in the deserts of despair, trekking along a lonesome path in-between the essence of life & death. Wedged in the middle of already being dead yet the soul remains un-dissipated, it somewhat brings comfort to the listener…Comfort being the fact that you’re not the worse victim of whatsoever on Earth itself.
02. Children of Bodom – Thrashed, Lost & Strung Out
Not losing its Scandinavian flavour of classical-meets-folklore riffs, C.O.B. has added to their winning recipe innovation & variations. With their verse chords tuning towards US-like rhythmic-head-banging riffs, it releases a kick-ass vibe with a touch of melodic-novelty.
Forever haunting me/Slit the witch and watch him bleed/As with any inquisition/Lying from the start/The preachers piled their craft/Scoffing elder glories/& dying, I depart/To make their sunken hearts/A coffin for their stories
Exquisitely written poetry tagged with goth-melancholy melodies, it hardly goes wrong with the standard chords of metal. Highly technical yet without losing its gothic touch, this evil track has deception, condemnation & annihilation written all over.
04. Derek Sherinian – Sweet Lament
It’s the pure contradiction that catches the attention of many, both eminent within the title & the song itself, but the real deal lies in the detailed expressions of the instruments all put together to produce a heart-felt & overwhelmingly-emo-lish instrumental piece. Best listened-to when you’re really lost & out of love, because that’s one of the highest-attained levels of grieve; the nirvana of devastation where the feelings of this track is best absorbed. A sigh of sweet lament, they murmured…
05. Dimmu Borgir – Cataclysm Children
An image of a pre-catastrophic-event slowly materialises within, rows and rows of soldiers stand at attention, listening in unison to their leader’s valediction to their foes. Upstaging a revolution in pains of their suffering, it grasps you of your hatred within and allows it to slowly dissipate.
06. Funeral for a Friend – Bend Your Arms to Look like Wings
Put furious growls alongside vulnerable shouts of help, with a melodically-collaborated music piece blaring on the background, you’ll get a classic hit of anger-meets-helplessness. It subtly toys with the two most encountered human feelings of being pissed and being depressed, unleashing the omnipotence of your innermost misanthropy.
07. Kamelot – Forever
I belong to you, you belong to me. It's the way things are always meant to be. Forevermore lovers will part, never to reconcile lest death. A painful yet beautifully written track, its words carry much despair and portraits an eminent presence of sorrow within the heart.
08. Nightrage – The Glow of the Setting Sun
Subtle beginning with fading-in metallic riffs, following an abundance of hatred all channeled through various instruments, this track best suits an oriental backdrop of ninjas and samurais. Posing with a katana in his hands, the zephyr blowing strands of hair across his masked face, Nabeikanina the Ninja adopts his ready-to-strike stance up against his seemly-worthy opponent, Sakimura the Samurai. Armed with his twin blades, Sakimura charges against Nabeikanina, only to be knocked out by the swift and nibble Ninja, by a spell of Ninjitsu, his infamous disappearance act. Bloody cheat!
09. Old Man’s Child – What Malice Embrace
Of pagans and prosperity, heathens and joyous occasions of evil, the lurking evil embraces us, children of the night, sons and daughters of this malicious world. Sensing the welding power of anti-whatever religion, the innocence of evil is strongly broadcasted in this track, with devil-lish riffs and a sorrowful guitar solo by the one-man-army himself, Tom Rune Andersen.
10. Stratovarius – Forever
Sounds of the violin, flute and the acoustic guitar altogether builds up a track of immense pain. Of joyous memories of the past to the now-present of hurtful wounds being present, this track of sheer novelty brings out the tears of the sorrowful and cuts deep into the hearts of many.
I stand alone in the darkness; the winter of my life came so fast…